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Dynamic Number Insertion

So what is dynamic number insertion? In a recent webinar, it was shown that dynamic number insertion is a method that allows users to track which sources, keywords, etc are producing phone calls. It does that by dynamically generating a unique clone number on your site that is associated with each of these sources. For example, if someone visits a site after a direct typing, they would see a phone number. However, if they Google that firm and then click on the link from the search result, they would see a different phone number, both with the same area code.
Tracking the Number
We will be able to track if this call was generated because of a Google click, an organic search, or from a PPC ad. You could also do the same thing from groups of PPC ads or a specific referring site. What dynamic number insertion does is it will actually switch out the phone number on your site via a little snippet of Java script that will tell our system which channel generated that phone call. So you can use this for organic search, paid search, banner ad, email marketing, social marketing or any link part of shifts or directory list that you might have. You can therefore track which channels are producing down to the exact phone call, which of those are producing phone calls and which are not.
Here’s another way it may work as well. For a web search, someone will see a number on our site that is different if they click through from a specific banner ad. Depending on how you access our call tracking site, you will see different data, see a different phone number that will allow us to pull data on how they found us. And a lot of businesses across US and Canada use this service and use it in this way.
Source Base and URL Base
There are also a couple of methods for which we can dynamically generate numbers. The first is called source base. That means the phone number is dynamically generated based on the domain information passed from the referring website. You can say that every phone, every person that comes from Google receives a certain phone number. Every person that comes from Bing sees a different number. Every person that comes from a referring directory also receives a different number and so on, that’s how source base works.
URL base is dynamically generated based on a specific URL. This is perfect for PPC or perfect for directory listings because you can actually get more specific. You can get down to the exact URL from which they clicked and get to your site and they would see a different number. You just put in this little addendum piece at the end of your URL, tell your Java script to recognize that and the number switches out.
Session Based DNI
Then there is session based DNI. This is a number that would be dynamically displayed on a site based on individual user session. Every single person visiting would see a different number which allows you to pull keyword data. As much keyword data as Google will pass, we can then track what keywords generates phone calls because we’ll know that that phone call is associated with a specific visitor and it’s been associated with a keyword.
The only downside with session based DNI is that it can be cumbersome and pricey because you have to have a lot of phone numbers to pull from. You have one for every visitor whereas with source based DNI you might have only five source based numbers: one for each for Google, Yahoo, Bing, for directory and for all your PPC ads. For URL, you can have as many or as few as you choose; for session based, you would have to have more, so it’s not typically recommended except for specific cases but you can get that keyword data if you want it.
By using Dynamic Number Insertion, it will help your conversions by allowing you to track online conversion rates from phone call. And for many businesses, every bit of data you get is absolutely considered to be critical information. To learn more about the webinar, click here.