The folks over at Conversioner have come up with this great infographic on the Conversion…
Who is your Chief Conversion Officer

The people over at Monetate have given us this infographic that asks us who our chief conversion officer is. The infographic is not really asking the identity of your Chief Conversion Officer, but rather if you HAVE a Chief Conversion Officer. Having a person or a department that is dedicated to monitoring your conversion is one of the most effective ways of optimizing your conversion rate. The infographic shows us that companies that have officers (or departments) that are specifically focused on optimizing your website’s conversion, and how having them can lead to more success for your company.
Aside from teaching us about Conversion Officers, the infographic also shows us several useful and informative insights such as:
- Systematic Processes of Shoppers
- Structured Ways to Boost Conversion
- Company Statistics on Conversion Officers
- Mobile Conversion Statistics
- A/B Testing your Copy and Images for Conversion
There are several ways for you to increase the conversion of your website, and all of them can be very effective. But as a marketer, your role is not just to take care of your website’s conversion. Most marketers just apply the most commonly used CRO techniques and pray that it works. But they rarely follow up or make adjustments to their conversion campaigns. This is why it can be very advantageous to have an ‘officer’ or a department whose role it is to focus on optimizing your conversion. Studies have shown that having a conversion officer/department helps in maximizing your conversion rates while still leaving you free to keep your eye on the bigger picture of running the entire website.