Found a great post on explaining how third party cookies are and how it works…
Google +1, Facebook Like and Places are the New Targeting Opt-In’s

The new marketing opportunities for website owners are the new social tools that everyone is using. Thanks to Google +1, Facebook Like, Check-ins from Google, Facebook, Gowalla and Foursquare can all be equally strong as an opt-in for a newsletter. So it seems leaving the market self regulation is taking a natural course and national interference is not needed.
Most people outside the tech space do not realize that with a simple Facebook Like or Check-in your giving access to you public profile and all settings your sharing. Website owners can use this information by taking a peek in Facebook Graph API and search specific status update (or keywords) or check-ins for example. It is a very interesting way to build tools on top of these API’s given by Facebook, the several places/check-in apps and hopefully Google +1 API.
For example check out what you’re sharing on Facebook by going to, you can use your Facebook id or email to find how open you are. Most of use in the tech-space is more informed then the other 550 million users of Facebook so it’s a very interesting opportunity to connect tools like ours to Facebook for example.
Imagine that you could actually start some sort of drip marketing based on nothing more than the Facebook Like your page or App received. It would not be wise to start posting on someone’s wall or push a tweet. But a more subtle as checking if a person check-in in the past, define the sex, age-group, mentions of your product in status updates or location of the person and storing that users profile in a specific segment in Convert Insights. You could then target these people with a more personal drip-approach every time they come back.
For example Visitor A, checks-in at 9 PM, using Foursquare and the day after clicks the Facebook Like button on you restaurant page or mobile app (Facebook Graph API tell us she is female 30-35 years old). This makes her fall into the segment of “Clients Female Check-in & Facebook Like”. You did not get her email yet, but this should be enough to start targeting when she comes back to one of your sites her using a more personal homepage targeted on returning female clients.
It’s all a big theory; we have not made this yet. Buts it’s an intriguing idea to use the Facebook Like and other social API’s to build an opt-in profile of a person that travels along with them across you sites. Maybe not everything is possible and I would have to check all terms of the API… but my best guess is that building an opt-in profile using the social buttons on your site is something that is very close to reality.
Would you do this as a company to increase your conversion? Leave a comment below.