Although we are not really 100% done on the site, we decided to remove all…
Convert Insights Beta landed in the Netherlands

One of our Beta users Erwin Sigterman added Convert Insights to its blog trying to stimulate people to sign up for its newsletter. He used the pop-up function in Convert Insights to offer pop-ups only to interested visitors (people who visited 4 pages or more that day).
He wrote a blog about it Behavioral targeting voor iedereen toegankelijk, in English: Behavioral targeting accessible to everyone.
Sigterman wrote: “I used Convert Insights myself and am impressed with its features, especially the way Convert Insights leaves the current website untouched (with exception of two small javascripts). You can check from your own Convert Insights ‘controlroom’ the behavior of your users. This give me a feeling of empowerment.”
Nice to see the first blogposts appearing with feedback on the tool. Thanx. Siggy Volgt Blog.