This week we are going live with the official Convert Insights Website. It has been…
Test Statistics Now Live

During last week we slowly rolled-out the statistics for tests withing Convert Insights. You already could test using A/B tests and multivariate testing but getting the results out was not that easy. This was one of the main frustration of us and you, our beta users.
Now you see a little icon next to each test that bring you to the statistics of the test. It will show you the test, and the Original / Control group and allow you to see the changes in percentages we observed and also how valid that data is. If its significant and so statistically proven that one version is the best, you will see a percentage in “change to beat control”.
When only the improvement is visible you can see how the test is preforming. But when the other percentage shows up, you will know for sure. We recommend to stop the test and select the winning action when you see percentages between 90% and 95%.
You can test anything and the goal can be a page, pages, a segment or an action… basically anything! Enjoy the new version… and we know it can improve and we will 🙂