An often overlooked element of landing page success is the color scheme used. In brick…
Testing Idea – Use of a Product Image
If you sell an information product and you pay attention to the “conventional wisdom,” you should have a picture of your product. Or should you? Certainly this idea has been perpetuated by many. In fact there is a whole mini-industry of software options to help you create a physical representation of your product, which of course doesn’t exist. I am sure these guys are working their hardest to convince you that you need a picture of your product.
How do you know that picture actually increases your conversion rate? Certainly more and more people realize that your product doesn’t actually exist- and may dismiss you as having a lack of credibility by implying otherwise.
Have you tested it? Or are you just buying into what some marketing expert says? Remember, what works for one doesn’t work for all. Not only should you test whether the image helps, but also where on the page it should be positioned. Incidentally, I have tested this numerous times, but in the interest of not perpetuating myths or providing one size fits all advice, my only suggestion is to test it!