We are always really trying to persuade and sell everyday—at work, to your boss, and…
Incorporate Value To Increase Conversion Rates

This is Part 3 of the Ultimate Conversion Webpage Review webinar series that reviewed a number of websites to establish where many site owners go wrong. The first one looked at a popular brand of shoes going by the moniker Chinese Laundry and the second part reviewed an e-commerce website run by Danish Jewellery.
This third part of the webinar by Convert and Creative Thirst‘s Bobby Hewitt looks at a gaming website named Mopixie.com, a gaming website. Allow me to refresh your mind a bit. These reviews from the webinar aimed at identifying the areas many sites go wrong when trying to optimize conversions. To identify the pain points better, we used a couple of business website examples and this is the third on the list.
One great way to increase the perceived value of your offer is to add benefits in your copy. Answer the “What’s in it for me?” question of your visitors, and they will happily convert into leads or sales. – Smriti Chawla
Mopixie is a site that has been monetized through ad revenue; play a game, watch an ad and so on. They have employed the use of small images with text illustrating a set of games to choose. And that’s one of the shortcomings. See, if the game is popular like Angry Birds and well known to many, you know what you’re going to get when you click on that image link. This is not the case with other not so common smaller games where you have no idea what you’ll get.
Given that information, this is one of the areas you should think of testing. You could feature a giant image of a game and perhaps highlight one or two of the most popular games, then the rest can be put in a smaller box just underneath.
Incorporate Value
Another thing that is overlooked is the importance of the homepage banner ads. The site includes a couple of 300 by 250 ads, and this depends on whether the site is selling ads directly or they are coming from an ad network. If yours is a site that’s selling them directly, you can take advantage of the homepage buy. You can give one advertiser every single spot on the homepage, instead of just breaking it up into all these different ad offers. This is because they know that’s where the revenue is on any game, a characteristic business model of online games.
Another important aspect you should think about is registration on the site. The aim? – to:
[Tweet “Keep the visitors coming back. It’s a good idea to let visitors know what the site is all about”]
If you look at what Mopixie have at the very top of the landing page, they say they are a directory of online games; a good thing. However, what else you can spot is another word: ‘Best’. The problem with such terms is that they are not quantified – if they are, a great opportunity to showcase your reputation and credibility. In this case, though, it’s not clear who has christened them the best directory for online games –
- Is it Mopixie themselves?
- Is it according to user feedback?
- Is it people voting and submitting the best games and throwing out the worst games?
There are numerous games on the site, no doubt, but then again, it’s a very small part. What you could try testing, in this case, is increasing the size in terms of quantity which is not a general unqualified statement of the best free online games but rather, giving more impact for the value proposition.
Find the Right Size
Finally, another thing you want to do on a site like this is getting people to a game as fast as possible. You should think of including a call to action buttons, something clearly absent on the site under review. It’s not a good idea to assume visitors the freedom of exploring for themselves by clicking each and every game they think would interest them. This is what happens in such a case: people hop back and forth on the site, while what you would rather have them do is become more engaged in a particular game and create the sort of game loop where they play over and over again, for as long as they want. And your best chance of achieving that? Simply highlight a bigger area for the game or at least test a bigger area for the games. If you want to check out more, you can watch the full demo here.