The folks over at WiderFunnel featured this infographic about Marketing Optimization. The infographic is actually…
Infographic: Sign in: A Retrospective

In this infographic provided to us by Janrain, they show us an interesting retrospective on the Sign In. The Sign in has been around since even before the internet. It has been used as a means of accessing information or as an entrance to something of value. In the world of online marketing, the term Sign In also holds significant meaning. It is among one of the most effective Calls to Action in internet marketing. Aside from being a gateway or a link for access, it is also one of the most effective tools of an online marketer to welcome a potential customer into the fold.
The infographic is very interesting and very informative, but it also provides marketers with valuable insights, such as:
- A brief History of the Sign In
- The evolution of Signing with customers
- Effects of Sign In in recent years
- Social Networking Log Ins/Sign Ups
- Sign In usage with Marketers
The Sign In button is something that most people do not even notice anymore. With the advances in social networking, most people accept signing in as part of their daily online experience. But that is also one of the reasons why it has become a great tool in conversion marketing. People are now so used to logging in to their social networking accounts, or signing up for the newest site, that it is no longer considered a turn off to have a sign in button on your website. The more you understand about the sign in, the more you can use it to your advantage on your marketing campaign.