"Google launched a new AdWords tool called Website Call Conversions, which lets advertisers identify and measure calls from…
Optimizing Website Conversions Using Call Metrics

Previously, we introduced the benefits of call tracking and the 6 methods to optimize conversions via call tracking a discussed in a recent webinar. We also discussed about the 1st method which is called Dynamic Number Insertion. In this second article, we will be discussing about the second method for optimizing conversions via call tracking which is — measuring and optimizing web conversions. This method is not so technical compared to the other methods. This method sways more to the most logical and the most obvious way that you can increase conversion. And it’s by improving how your website looks. Now, how do you track specific conversions from your website using call tracking?
Website Improvement
One of LogMyCalls‘ clients, a small business entity in South Carolina, was convinced that people were not finding them because of their website. They thought that people only new them through word of mouth and some local sponsorship they invested in. What they did was they got a phone number, provided by LogMyCalls, and put that number on their website. By doing this, they were able to track how many customers were calling them because of their website. They didn’t necessarily use dynamic number insertion. They just had a static number on their website in which they were able to track from. They also redesigned their website and started with basic online marketing. One month after, their website generated 400 phone calls. By month four, they generated around 1500 phone calls a month. And by 6th month, the website was generating more than 2,500 calls a month.
Data, data and more data
Keep in mind that this is a small business. By using a little bit of online marketing and by redesigning their website, they were able to clearly disseminate more information to their clients thus improving the conversion rates on their website and producing more phone calls. Now, how did they do that? Based on their monthly results, they have a very sharp increase, almost exponential, on their incoming calls. They were able to do that because they had data. The data, gathered by LogMyCalls via call tracking, was able to tell them that their website was generating calls. It gave them ideas on what to improve on their site to increase the number of phone calls they receive. They improved the placement of their phone number and they improved their website visually. This allowed them to track conversion rate specifically from their website.
A look into revenue
This may seem as a rhetorical question, but do you think their revenue increased? Do you think their revenue increased when their calls went up by 400%, or when it went up by 800%? Of course it did! That’s basic math. The more calls you have, the higher the possibility that you will generate leads and create more revenue. As a matter of fact, their revenue increased 3 times more than the store averaged in their entire industry. It’s because they now generate more calls than what they used to. No matter how basic this may be, this is still important information for all of us. To lean more about optimization, you can view the entire website here.