On this infographic, the folks over at Catalyst have given us this great infographic on…
Smacking Trustmarks On Your eCommerce Page Header or Footer Is Just Stupid

Every programmer, designer, marketer and copywriter has only one focus: to make a website look good and attractive enough to draw in visitors. This is called a subjective look of a website, or what most of us calls website design. In most instances, they do not think of it from the perspective of the customer. And this perspective can be detrimental to the success of your website. But just smacking a random trustmark on every page header of footer is doomed to drop conversions and just plain stupid, so how do you do it right?
In a recent podcast, Creative Thirst‘s Bobby Hewitt imparts how Convert feels about the use of trustmarks in increasing conversion rates. Bobby states that design should not only represent your company or logo, and make everything about it. Instead, you should focus more on how a potential customer experiences your website. You need to offer some real solutions to your readers and design the website in a way that can increase your sales from visitors.
Know Your Worth
Designing your website should not stop at any point in marketing. As an example, Bobby showed how design inadequacy affects shopping cart abandonment rates. Bobby also pointed out how e-Marketers’ research show that the rate of abandoned shopping carts is at 32%. While some case studies show that shopping cart abandonment rates ranges from 67% to 75%.
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These numbers represent that fact that there is a huge percentage to be gained from trustmarks, which opens the question – What are the designers doing wrong? They might not realize how serious their problem is, because they don’t really feel the failure. Not yet anyway. But to start, you should consider how good your company is in these aspects:
- Quality
- Reliability
- Price
- Security
Increase Your Customer’s Trust
The real solution for you and your company is to use trustmarks. Trustmarks are images that show many things about your company’s website, such as you guaranteeing a complete satisfaction or that your website is a safe and secure place to visit. But not only that, Trustmarks provide many positive things and creates a huge impact on your business. They can be very positive if used properly. According to Marie Dean’s article,
If you’re site isn’t displaying a trust seal, you’re missing the opportunity to increase trust close more sales
Different types of trustmarks are able to help you increase your conversion rates only if they are placed in the right place this is what you A/B test. But using trustmarks is not that simple. You need to take them seriously and get a consultation from a professional. If you design them they need to be designed properly to suit the needs of your website. Most websites just place them as footers on every page, which is not really good enough. You need to be different and create a perfect spot for your trustmarks. Most important of all, you need to have a point and stick to it if you want to make the buying process successful. We have seen trustmarks on the right spot of product pages increase revenue per visitor 25% and that same set of images in the footer dropping the revenue. So yes trustmarks are great on locations where the trust is the issue.