In this infographic, Distilled has shared with us the details of the process of conversion rate…
The Secret to Improving Customer Satisfaction through Conversion Rate Optimization

Every person who teaches about entrepreneurship will tell you that the customer is your only boss. You make most of the decisions but then as long as they are going to make the customer feel happy then you are going to be safe.
The best way to grow a business is to ensure that the customers are as satisfied as they possibly can be. Unfortunately customer satisfaction is not all that easy. This is because you will be dealing with people of different kinds from all walks of life and with all sorts of needs and desires. You can’t please everyone but then you can try to please at least 90% of those who interact with your business.
With online businesses it is harder to achieve such ends. This is mainly because you will not be talking to the customer face to face to address their problems. Be that as it may, the best thing about online businesses is that you can reach out to billions of people across the globe with impressive ease.
You simply need to do your marketing properly and you will have people shopping on your site from as far as your geographical imagination can imagine. Once you have captured the customer you have to make them come back again.
The stories of conversion rates
It is one thing to have billions of people visiting your website. It is another totally different thing to have people visiting your site and doing what you expect or want them to do. For instance when a person visits your website you probably want them to share your article online or make a purchase it is an e-commerce website.
This is not exactly the easiest of things to do but if you do a good amount of conversion rate optimization (CRO) then you will probably get them to do that which you wish for them to.
Basically CRO is a process that employs analytics and feedback that is generated by users to improve the performance of a website. Conversions are those actions that you expect from your visitors. Do you want them to buy or share or like your content? These are just some of the many forms that a conversion can take.
Conversion Rate Optimization is heavily tied to the acquisition of new customers. When a new person visits your website they might either register, signing up for your services or leave without doing anything. This is all dependent on how your site is structured and of course the intentions of the customer.
You cannot control the intentions of the customer but you can improve your site’s structure and content to make it more engaging. A site that turns passive browsers into active participants is definitely going to gain a lot of popularity across the globe.
The dynamics of conversion rate optimization are very many but then with the help of professionals you will be sorted out. You will not have to worry about what metrics to check and what is no relevant. With a team of the best in search engine optimization you are going to have your site performing at its best. This is what Walmart did and you know Walmart is a huge- actually humongous- business.
[Tweet “Discover how Walmart benefited from #ABtesting their site when making it fully responsive. #cro”]
Walmart’s CRO process
Well, this is Walmart Canada that we are talking about here. The problem that they were having was with the responsiveness of their website. In online business you should know that a responsive website is crucial. Research has shown that most people access the internet through mobile devices.
They are going to be on their tablets, smartphones and such tools as they do their shopping. Nonetheless, implementing a responsive web design can take a whole lot of time and money. Walmart took almost a year to make their website fully responsive but then it paid off within a few months.
Customer satisfaction is not limited to the quality of the products that you are offering. Their shopping experience is also important. Think of a supermarket; would you want one where you are able to get items very fast and leave as soon as you entered or one that will have you walking all over the place?
The same is the case with online shops; no one wants to be redirected to a zillion pages in order to make their purchase. Most of all no one has to postpone their shopping simply because they could not buy through their phones.
The Problem
Walmart’s problems were many when it came to the mobile site. To start with the site was taking forever to load. This is one of the worst things for SEO. If you have a site that is taking more than a couple of seconds to load then you need to make some improvements. Secondly, the overall look and the experience on the mobile site felt short of being termed as utterly awful.
After thorough research Walmart was able to figure out the right screen size for their mobile site and the browsers that were mostly used. A/B testing and some other hands-on usability testing activities were employed. They implemented a strategy to convert the site into a fully responsive one. This took slightly over a year.
The results speak for themselves. Customers are able to shop from Walmart’s site using mobile devices with such tremendous ease. Their experience is so much better than it was a few years ago. On top of that Walmart Canada boosted its conversions by a decent 20% on all devices including the non-mobile ones. The best part of it all is that mobile orders went up by 98%.
The best way to improve your customers’ satisfaction in online business is to improve your conversion rate optimization strategies. Generally, as you try to improve CRO you will be thinking like your customers trying to give them the best of services at all times.